Many workers in Texas approaching retirement age are discovering that years of economic decline and
turmoil in the United States have drastically reduced the value of their investment portfolios. People
who established retirement accounts with a carefully thought out personal financial contribution
scheme are confronted with the prospect of delaying retirement. As workers face delaying their
retirement plans, they have become prime targets for brokers and financial advisors
trying to make money through retirement investment fraud.
Texas securities brokers or financial advisors are under a duty to invest their client’s personal financial contribution in securities and other investment options that are suited to the needs of the investor.
Promises of high returns on investment, low risk and assurances of money being available for retirement are frequently intended to lure the unwary investor into a pension scheme that borders on retirement investment fraud.
Brokers and financial advisors earn commissions on the investments they recommend to their clients.
Brokers earn commissions each time a stock or bond is purchased or sold in a client’s account.
Brokers who purchase and sell securities for a client’s account primarily to generate
commissions for themselves might be guilty of breaching their
fiduciary duty to the investor.
An example of a breach of fiduciary duty occurs when a financial advisor steers a retirement-aged investor
into the purchase of variable annuities with false assurances of an income stream on
which the client can live during retirement. Investors are not informed that
income generation is not guaranteed with variable annuities.
If you are looking to learn more about pension fraud and what it entails, then call Rand Mintzer, Attorney at Law at 713-862-8880 to set up a free consultation.
Rand Mintzer can answer your questions and provide you with valuable legal advice.