Cocaine Charges

Cocaine Lawyer in Houston

Cocaine is a dangerous substance, and possessing, controlling or dealing this drug results in
serious consequences in the State of Texas.

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A few of the offenses related to cocaine include:

  • Cocaine possession
  • Possession with intent to deliver
  • Drug trafficking
  • Distribution of cocaine
  • Smuggling

Possession is one of the more common offenses and the penalties for this crime normally depend on the amount of cocaine one has. When an individual has less than one gram, the punishment could be 180 days in jail and a $10,000 fine. If you are caught with more than 400 grams, you could face 99 years in prison and a $100,000 fine.

Possession of any amount is a felony but sentencing drastically increases with the amount that you have. For this reason it is important to retain an experienced cocaine defense attorney who knows how to navigate through this legal process.

Call the Law Office of Rand Mintzer for a free consultation at 713-862-8880.

An aggressive criminal defense attorney will also carefully scrutinize other evidence such as:

  • Search warrants
  • Surveillance videos
  • Photographs
  • Laboratory analysis reports

Exploring the Evidence

Those who are charged with a crime related to cocaine are often eligible to have some of the evidence dismissed because it may have been illegally obtained. In addition, police officers sometimes use confidential informants to alert them to possible drug activity.

The problem with this is that these informants are sometimes given immunity in exchange for this information. For this reason, much of their information might be unreliable and can only be determined through rigid cross-examination.


Those who are charged with a cocaine-related offense should seek counsel as soon as possible. That is because law enforcement officials often attempt to get a defendant to provide incriminating statements during initial questioning.

The United States Constitution guarantees that a defendant does not have to answer these questions and gives them the right to have counsel present during questioning.

Attorney Rand Mintzer believes that the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution should not be taken lightly, and that everyone has a right to have his or her voice heard in a court of law. Mr. Mintzer will aggressively defend anyone accused of cocaine charges.

If you have been arrested for cocaine charges and need an experienced cocaine lawyer to review your case, contact Rand Mintzer, Attorney at Law today for a free consultation at 713-862-8880.

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