Probation Violations

Houston Probation Violations Attorney

In Texas, it is very important for a person to comply with the terms of his probation.

If a person is found guilty of violating the conditions of his probation, he may face the following consequences:

  • He may be incarcerated.
  • His plea may be revoked.
  • His original sentence may be reinstated.

skilled criminal defense lawyer who is experienced with probation violation charges can help people avoid these punishments.

Actions That Violate Probation

  • Carries a firearm
  • Fails to meet with his probation officer
  • Commits an additional crime and is arrested
  • Uses or possesses a controlled substance
  • Does not attend court-ordered rehabilitation or therapy
  • Neglects his community service priorities

An individual who is accused of violating probation may be held in jail and denied the privilege of being released on bond. The individual will not get a trial by jury, but simply a probation revocation hearing.

Prosecutors have to prove that a probationer is guilty of wrongdoing, but they are not required to provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

Defending Against Probation Violation Charges

A skilled probation violation attorney like Rand Mintzer can protect your rights. He can petition
the court for a bond hearing so that you can post bond and be free while the charges are
pending against you. In addition, he can attempt to persuade the judge to give you
another chance to redeem yourself. Mr. Mintzer can also explain any extenuating
circumstances that inhibit your ability to comply with the terms of your probation.
The judge may decide to modify or extend your probation
as an alternative to confinement.


Rand Mintzer, Attorney at Law, can guard your rights in court. Mr. Mintzer has practiced law for over 25 years, and he will use his vast experience to help you fight against accusations of probation violation. He will stand by your side during each phase of the trial process and thoroughly address your concerns because he is dedicated to providing his clients with the best legal representation possible.

Call attorney Rand Mintzer today at 713-862-8880 and let him fight for you.

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